I'm Malieze Chrys, a full-stack web developer

I have been an avid learner all my life and programming fascinates me. You can break things without actually touching them. I have had other careers but I still come back to code because in coding I find myself. Not bored or fatigued no matter the time spent. Solving problems brings refreshment.


Football Data

Frontend Dev Backend Dev 2021

A web application is built with react and redux. It consumes API data and presents a catalogue of major football competitions and the clubs or countries participating.


Weather app

Frontend Dev Backend Dev 2021

JavaScript web application that consumes API from openweather.org. Just input the name of a city you would like to know the weather for.

Restaurant page

Restaurant Page

Frontend Dev 2021

Restaurant page is built with vanilla JavaScript. Switching tabs is done by removing the innerHTML of the container and replacing it with the desired page information


Library App

Frontend Dev Backend Dev 2021

Library App is an application built with JavaScript. It uses Localstorage to keep track of user's books and the ones the user has read.


Social media web application

Frontend Dev Backend Dev 2021

Social media web application. Users can log in, create post and make friendships. Friends can like your post and also comment on them. You can also see mutual friends of friends you have


Yachting Lifestyle news & blog

Frontend Dev Backend Dev 2021

Web application to post articles on yachts. You can upvote article to enable them show in the feature page. You can also bookmark articles to read later.